To see a comprehensive list of the types of products we carry, CLICK HERE.

While we carry thousands of LED, H.I.D. bulbs, compact fluorescent and incandescents, our main emphasis is on energy-saving products, because when you reduce your energy consumption, the savings go straight to your bottom line. Many people don’t realize that 80% of the cost of lighting is the electricity consumed over time, not your bulbs or even your fixtures.

At no cost to you, we will do an energy audit of your current lighting plan and recommend ways to either reduce your electric bill while maintaining your current lighting levels or increase or improve your lighting levels without increasing your electrical bill. We keep up with legislative mandates and can advise you on compliance issues and upcoming restrictions. We can handle all the analysis and paperwork necessary for you to qualify for generous rebates to offset your investment in more energy-efficient lighting systems for your business if available in your area. We can even arrange for installation – a true turnkey solution!

If your needs are complex or you have multiple maintenance staff, we can inventory your buildings and create a custom, illustrated order form that will simplify your re-order process and make it easy to obtain purchase orders.  You can use a printed version and simply copy it, fill it in and fax it, or an electronic Excel version that will extend and grand total automatically, which you then email to us. This service is complimentary!

We specialize in determining the correct color of light to merchandise your products or optimize your work environment. We have found that you can often solve your lighting problems by using the correct light bulb without going to the expense of adding or replacing lighting fixtures. Our lines of full-spectrum bulbs compete head-on with the long-life companies at a fraction of the price.

Of course, we stand behind everything we sell! We want to earn your loyalty, as well as your business.